Election Day

 For the first time in my adult life (I’m 31), I voted today.  There’s really nothing special about it, other than that I’m proud of myself for doing it.  I almost chickened out, as I had to drive past the intersection where my fiance was killed in a car accident in January, but I didn’t.

On the language front, I’ve been continuing with MT Italian, and am working on CD 8 and LB1 right now.  I’ve been thinking that I’d like to run through MT Spanish, as a review, but I feel like I’m doing well with my Italian and I don’t want to spread myself too thin.    I have also been flirting with other languages, just to hear what they sound like – mostly listening to the first lesson or two of the Pimsleur series in a number of languages I’m interested in learning at some point like Chinese, Japanese and Swahili.

I’ve found a gentleman in Spain who collects  language learning books, and i s interested in trading for anything he does not have.  You can check out the thread at isohunt’s forum about trading language learning materials.

I will be adding a number of links to language blogs & other websites of interest for language learners in the next few weeks.

One Response to “Election Day”

  1. edwinlaw Says:

    I have just stumbled upon your blog. It always makes me feel good to find other language lovers on the web. I have started my own language blog last week.

    Looks like we are going in opposite directions. My current plan is French, then Spanish, and then perhaps Italian.

    Let me know If your blog is still active. May be we can exchange links.


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